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In Pictures: Women's Sailing Regattas  

November 8, 2019

Women's Sailing Regattas

The Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron’s (RMYS) 29th Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta (AWKR) and Middle Harbour Yacht Clubs Women’s Regatta took place earlier this year.  These events are open to women-only crews and mixed crews with female helms. 

Women's regattas continue to grow in popularity providing valuable racing opportunities and a showcase of skilled women sailors.

Middle Harbour Yacht Clubs Women’s Regatta held in May featured an Open Keelboat division contested by yachts with all female crews and mixed crews with a female helm. The One Design divisions were offered for mixed crews with a female helm in the Adams 10, Melges 20, Yngling, J-24 and Elliott 7 classes.

The Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron’s (RMYS) 29th Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta (AWKR) was held in June and was open exclusively to women’s’ crews from Australia and overseas.

Images supplied by Middle Harbour Yacht Club and Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron.
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